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Top 5 Marketing Facts You Should Know in 2023

As we settle into 2023, it’s important to recognize that we have entered a new year filled with new opportunities and challenges. In the rapidly changing digital landscape, staying informed about the latest marketing trends and statistics is crucial for success. This is why in this blog post, we’ll be highlighting 5 essential marketing statistics. These are the ones that every marketer should be aware of as they begin to plan their strategies for the year ahead. Keeping these statistics in mind will help ensure that you stay ahead of the curve and position your business for success in 2023.


Social media advertising will make up over a third of all digital ad spending

This highlights the importance of having a strong presence on social media platforms and understanding how to effectively advertise on them. With more and more consumers turning to social media for information and entertainment, it’s crucial for businesses to meet them where they are.

Half of the world’s population is engaged on social media, and 59% of people use it. In 2023 media will dominate the world and will evolve beyond only paid adverts on a single well-liked platform. A quarter of marketers use direct messaging to provide customer assistance, making it a relatively new but rapidly growing feature.  


The average person will spend around 3 hours per day on their mobile phone

This highlights the importance of mobile-first marketing strategies and reaching consumers where they spend the most time. Whether it’s through SMS marketing, social media ads, or mobile-optimized email campaigns, businesses need to make sure their message is reaching consumers on their most personal devices.


Email marketing continues to be one of the best methods for converting customers

The percentage of visitors to your website or landing page who go on to take action is known as the conversation rate. The action might be anything, such as making a purchase or joining your mailing list. Understanding conversion rate information will enable you to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing. In 2023, email marketing, being a productive pipeline continues to be one of the best methods for converting customers. When striving to win over new clients, consistency reigns supreme. 


The global e-commerce market is estimated to reach $4.9 trillion

This shows the growing importance of an online presence and the ability to sell products or services online. With more and more consumers turning to the internet to make purchases, it’s essential for businesses to have a strong e-commerce strategy in place.


Video content will continue to grow in popularity

Customers could access your website via mobile, but it doesn’t guarantee they’ll stay. Unexpectedly, 53% of mobile consumers quit visiting websites after three seconds. Make something appealing that will rapidly pique users’ interest. More than 70% of the time, they included graphics in their material. Video content will continue to grow in popularity, with 85% of internet users watching online videos by 2023. This highlights the importance of incorporating video into a business’s website content. Just remember, video is a powerful tool for engaging with consumers and driving conversions.

How can we help unlock your marketing potential

As a business, staying informed on the latest marketing statistics and trends is crucial for making informed decisions and staying ahead of the competition. If you’re ready to take your marketing strategy to the next level, we invite you to contact us to learn more about how we can help you. Whether you’re looking to improve your social media presence, optimize your website for mobile devices, or create engaging video content, our team of experts has the experience and expertise to help you succeed.