We firmly believe that there is no one like you – and we’re here to help you make your mark within your domain!

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Our Process
  /  Our Process

Why choose Onlike?


we break new ground in the world of marketing and aren’t afraid of thinking outside the box


our flexible approach guarantees relevant content, while staying on top of industry trends at all times


our think tank team made up of professional photographers, videographers, writers and creatives ensures a wide range of inventive, personalized solutions


we deliver top quality content in 3 different languages: Romanian, Hungarian, English


to keep up with the ever-changing nature of today’s business sphere, we strive to continuously improve our skills and broaden our horizons

Our Services

Marketing strategy

Together we create a communication strategy specifically tailored to your requirements, which works towards your objectives in a personalized manner.


We establish and use your brand identity to beat the competition.

Social media content

We help build online authority on various social media platforms.

Visual marketing

We establish and build your presence with engaging photos and videos.

PPC Advertising

We use the tools of PPC advertising to your advantage.

Web content management

We improve your customers’ user experience with the help of the newest tools.

Our process

1. We
pick your brains

We start our journey together with an in-person meeting, to familiarize ourselves with your specific needs, goals, aspirations and to learn everything there is to know about your business.

2. We
lay out a plan

Together we create a communication strategy specifically tailored to your requirements, which works towards your objectives in a personalized manner.

3. We
establish a partnership

We lay the groundwork and form an alliance, which will guide you through the rough seas of online and offline communication.

4. We
test the waters

We implement our strategies, monitor our progress and adjust our game plan in accordance with your clientele’s reactions and feedback.

5. We
deliver the goods

We guarantee high-quality content that meets your business demands, attracts new customers and generates sales, ensuring value for your money.

Have an idea? Let’s do something great together!