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Storytelling: How do you tell the story of your product?


Do you still believe that tales are just for kids? Nothing could be further from the truth! Whether you are in the process of prospecting the best way to build the identity of a newly established business, or in the process of branding, promoting, and expanding your brand for a natural differentiation from the competition, it’s time to reconsider how you tell your company’s story. The good news is that we here at Onlike not only teach you how to do that, but we will stick with you through the whole process! 



Since the beginning of time, people have been learning through stories- our history demonstrates this over generations. Thousands of years ago cavemen told their adventures through paintings. Then people started writing down their yarns and distributing them as news. Starting with folktales we moved on to articles and then to television, in this way we had developed methods to keep the art of storytelling alive. Over the years we have relied on technology to offer new innovative ways of storytelling. Whether it`s a social media post, a thoughtfully written genial message, an inspiring business report, local news, or simply a family conversation at the dinner table, stories take part of our everyday conversation and it is an integral part of our life. 



Purposeful, hearty, and relevant stories can be an essential business tool. Your company’s story should be the backbone of your marketing strategy, which will help increase the value of any brand. We all remember how the founders of tech giants Microsoft and Apple started building computers in their garages. The first glass of Pepsi was served by a pharmacist in New Bern, North Carolina; also James L. Kraft started his business by selling cheese door-to-door, and only after a while did it become a grocery store staple. 


Only a few companies know how to use this advantage as a tool that can make a difference in the multiplicity of markets and show their real benefits over competitors. Blinded by the success of others, many entrepreneurs choose to copy established recipes- but there is no pattern for proper promotion. You have to be true to yourself, different, honest, and confident, as well as tell your story authentically. There lies the key to the difference which you are bringing to your clients right now! We know that it sounds pretty hard, but with the right partner, you can remove any extra worry, and focus on delivering the best products and services. We`ll take care of the rest!


Onlike`s team of specialists offers you some useful tips on how you can tell your story, and grow your business the way you dream:


Don`t act superficially

The idea of your business was born out of recognition of market needs, which met the necessities of the community. It’s not enough to tell your customers what products and services you can offer. You need to share with them the real reason behind your company. This act of customizing will help your clients to get in touch with your corporation, and also empathize with your idea, and this will boost your sales. 


Take it personally 

And no, not in a negative way- on the contrary. Give the customer a glimpse behind the logo. Regardless of the size of your business, it’s essential to allow clients an inside look at your employees and the company’s daily operation. You need to introduce yourself and let them get to know you. This tactic will also help increase sales and long-term loyalty to you. Your clients identify with people at their level and appreciate stories told personally. This strategy not only attracts customers but also shows your team that you value their input. 


Engage your regulars

Big brands are already letting their customers tell their stories. New technologies such as GoPro, Smartphone apps, and social media tools offer companies the opportunity to show others how their brand impacts their daily lives. Turning customers into “brand ambassadors” is a great way to humanize your brand and ensure its authenticity. 


Be socially present 

Customers like to know that the brands they support also contribute to the community. Whether you are donating a part of your profits to charitable causes or simply you support a youth soccer team, you need to make sure that you`re making a difference that is directly connected with your enterprise. Make your efforts part of your company’s story!



Your company can use a variety of marketing tools to tell its story. At Onlike we specialize in finding the most effective ways to tell stories to help dreams come true- to shape them into the form of a sustainable, successful company TOGETHER! From determining your target audience and creating the right copy and visual identity to the best positioning in the market, the Onlike team is dedicated to creating the best strategy and writing the best story for your business!