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7 ways to build online authority with the help of content

Becoming a thought leader and an authority within your domain is one of the most important achievements one can aspire to in the online sphere. It can help you generate trust within your followers which, in turn, can accelerate and increase conversions while also attracting brand new customers. Partner up with the Onlike Content Marketing Agency and start working on developing a strong brand authority ASAP! A content marketing agency can expertly guide your online journey towards developing strong brand authority – here’s how:

Creating a niche blog with evergreen content

After a website, a blog is one of the most important tools you can have that will help you offer content of value to your followers. You can focus on topics that are within your area of expertise instead of publishing content that presents things in a generalized matter. A niched blog will establish your business as a credible source and will attract the type of followers that are truly interested in your products or services, who, in the long run, can become returning customers.

Implementing the topic cluster approach

In order for your readers to navigate easily between pages filled with useful information, try implementing the topic cluster model, which is a helpful way to organize your site’s pages to achieve clear and navigable site architecture. According to Hubspot, you will need pillar content, toward which several inbound links are directed, which signals to search engines that it is an authority on a certain topic. This clever SEO tactic will increase the chances of your article to rank higher and higher in the search engines for the subject matter it covers.

Optimizing for SEO

Speaking of SEO, you can have the world’s most informative articles, blogs and social posts, but nobody’s going to know about them if you don’t use search engine optimization to your advantage. Tackling topics that align with your audience’s story needs, using keywords strategically, optimizing images, creating an internal link building strategy and improving the user experience of your website, are all incremental elements of establishing strong online authority.

Promoting content on social pages

Once you’ve created some killer content, make sure you promote it on your social channels as well. Find a balance between content that advertises your products or services, and informative or entertaining pieces of work, that can help increase engagement. The more interesting the content you post on social media, the more likely it is that your followers will keep coming back for more, which will certainly help in establishing your brand authority.

Generating inbound links

Receiving inbound links from relevant pages and accounts is also a fantastic way not only to build authority, but also to increase brand exposure. By gaining positive mentions from companies that complement your business, or publications that specialize in topics that you activate in, you’ll be seen and perceived as the go-to figure within your industry.

Being consistent

Once you have the basics in order, keep the momentum going and regularly circulate great content on all channels. Both search engines and audiences like and favor consistency. Sites continuously publishing fresh and quality content have a higher domain authority and rank higher in search queries. Likewise, if you manage to produce effective content tailored to the needs of your followers, your audience will, over time, naturally begin to rely on your business and look at it as a useful, trustworthy information source.

Creating a long-term content strategy

Becoming the leader within your industry doesn’t happen overnight. It requires careful planning and special attention to detail, to make sure that the content you produce is in line with your business goals. A well-thought-out marketing strategy, put together by an agency that specializes in content creation, can help you become the go-to online thought leader within your domain.